Difference between revisions of "Wanted"

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(Renamed power-damage to power-level)
(Added invisibility perk to equipments.yml documentation)
Line 252: Line 252:
| potion-amplifier || Integer || Level of the speed effect.
| potion-amplifier || Integer || Level of the speed effect.
==== Invisibility Perk ====
{| class="wiki-table"
! width="240"| Configuration
! width="100"| Value
! Description
| potion-duration || Integer || Duration (in seconds) the invisibility effect lasts.

Revision as of 23:56, 18 August 2013


Copied from: http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Configuration/Bukkit

The file is written in the YAML format and you must follow these guidelines:

  • Do not use tabs. You MUST use spaces or Bukkit will complain. If you use an editor like Notepad++ (recommended for Windows users), you must configure it to "replace tabs with spaces." In Notepad++, this can be changed in Settings > Preferences > Language Menu.
  • Don't get rid of the indents. They are indented so some entries are in categories (like "max-blocks-changed" is in the "limits" category.
  • If you want to check the format of this file before putting it into WorldEdit, paste it into http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ and see if it gives "ERROR:".
  • Lines starting with # are comments and so they are ignored.


Note: For every period in the configuration's name as listed below, that means you indent it one level below the previous.


Configuration Value Description
lobby-mode Boolean Whether the plugin should enable it's lobby features, or all game features.
test-mode Boolean Whether the plugin should enable in testing mode and disable updating player stats, enabling test commands, etc.
mysql.ip String MySQL ip address to connect to.
mysql.port String MySQL port.
mysql.user String MySQL username.
mysql.pass String MySQL password.
mysql.database String MySQL database.
mysql.tables.players String MySQL Players table (stores player information, such as kills).
lobby.countdown Integer Duration (in seconds) until the game begins.
arena.max-time Integer Duration (in minutes) until the game ends.
points.name String Name of the in-game points system.
points.kill-reward Integer Amount of points to reward a player for getting a kill.
points.death-reward Integer Amount of points to reward a player for dying.
points.win-reward Integer Amount of points to reward a player for winning a game.
points.loss-reward Integer Amount of points to reward a player for losing a game.
listeners.enabled.chat-listener Boolean Whether this plugin should handle chat messages.
listeners.enabled.motd-listener Boolean Whether this plugin should handle server MOTD messages (changes according to the game state).
listeners.enabled.misc-listener Boolean Whether this plugin should handle default game mechanics, such as disabling rain, crafting, picking up/dropping items, etc.
group.<name>.color String Display name colors to assign to players in this group
group.<name>.multiplier Double The number to multiply any points players in this group receive by.
miscellaneous.message-prefix String The prefix to be displayed in certain messages. (Can be empty)
miscellaneous.max-players Integer The maximum amount of regular players allowed on the server.
miscellaneous.max-reserved Integer The amount of reserved slots on the server.
miscellaneous.minimum-players Integer The amount of players required for the game to begin.
miscellaneous.idle-kick Integer Duration (in seconds) before a player gets kicked for being dead too long.
miscellaneous.hub-command String Command to execute when the game is over. (Leave empty for no command)
miscellaneous.debug-messages Boolean Whether this plugin should output debug messages to the log.
miscellaneous.compass-scramble Integer The distance between a player and their target till their compass starts scrambling.
miscellaneous.cooldown Integer Duration (in seconds) before players can join again after a game has ended.


Configuration Value Description
load String The name of the arena that the server should load up.
name.* String The name of the arena (Must not change once set). It is recommended to keep all characters lowercase and use "_" instead of white spaces. If players bought the map prior to the name changing, the plugin will fail to register the players as an owner of this arena.
name.alias String Alias name of the arena (The name that players will visually see.
name.description String Description of the arena (Displayed when the game starts or in the shop)
name.point1 Location First cuboid point location of the arena
name.point2 Location Second cuboid point location of the arena
name.spawns List(Location) Locations where a player can spawn in the arena.
name.price Integer The amount of points required to purchase this item, if price is bigger than 0 then players that do not own it will not be able to join the game. Use -1 to disable purchasing it.
name.must-own Boolean Whether players must own this arena to join the server.



Configuration Value Description
classes.<name> String Changing this will break the plugin.
classes.<name>.enabled Boolean Whether to enable or disable this class. By disabling the class, no players will be able to use it and will automatically unequip it when they join.
classes.name.alias String Alias name of the class (The name that players will visually see).
classes.name.description String Description of the class (Displayed in the shop).
classes.name.price Integer The amount of points required to purchase this class. Use -1 to disable purchasing it.
classes.name.shop-icon Item The item to be displayed in the shop gui.


Configuration Value Description
arrows Integer Amount of arrows players get when respawning.
power-level Integer Level of the damage enchantment on the bow.
infinity Boolean Whether the bow should have infinity.


Configuration Value Description
ticks Integer Amount of ticks (a second is 20 ticks) till it blows up.
tnts Integer Amount of tnts players get upon respawning.


Configuration Value Description
freeze-time Integer Duration (in seconds) the player stays frozen.
snowballs Integer Amount of snowballs players get upon respawning.


Configuration Value Description
item Integer id of the item to give the player
chance Integer The chance of the Scorcher setting their target on fire.


Configuration Value Description
potion-amplifier Integer Level of speed effect the player gets upon respawning


Configuration Value Description
potion-duration Integer Duration (in seconds) the poison effect lasts.
potion-amplifier Integer Level of the posion effect.
potions Integer Amount of poison potions players get upon respawning.



Configuration Value Description
equipments.<name> String Changing this will break the plugin.
equipments.<name>.enabled Boolean Whether to enable or disable this equipment. By disabling the equipment, no players will be able to use it and will automatically unequip it when they join.
equipments.<name>.alias String Alias name of the equipment (The name that players will visually see).
equipments.<name>.description String Description of the equipment (Displayed in the shop).
equipments.<name>.price Integer The amount of points required to purchase this equipment. Use -1 to disable purchasing it.

End Stone Helmet

Configuration Value Description
potion-duration Integer Duration (in seconds) the resistance effect lasts.
potion-amplifier Integer Level of the resistance effect.

Glass Helmet

Configuration Value Description
potion-duration Integer Duration (in seconds) the night vision effect lasts.

Ice Helmet

Configuration Value Description
potion-duration Integer Duration (in seconds) the speed effect lasts.
potion-amplifier Integer Level of the speed effect.

Invisibility Perk

Configuration Value Description
potion-duration Integer Duration (in seconds) the invisibility effect lasts.

Obsidian Helmet

Configuration Value Description
resistance-potion-duration Integer Duration (in seconds) the resistance effect lasts.
resistance-potion-amplifier Integer Level of the resistance effect.
slowness-potion-duration Integer Duration (in seconds) the slowness effect lasts.
slowness-potion-amplifier Integer Level of the slowness effect.

Quartz Helmet

Configuration Value Description
distance Integer Distance when the players' target's compass starts scrambling.

Sponge Helmet

Configuration Value Description
potion-duration Integer Duration (in seconds) the absorption effect lasts.
potion-amplifier Integer Level of the absorption effect.

TnT Helmet

Configuration Value Description
heal-percentage Integer A percentage of the amount to heal. 0 being none, 100 being all damage.