PlayMCOnline/Chest Keys
From SupaHam
Chest Keys are chests that require keys to be "opened". Each chest key is assigned it's own unique id. Almost every property belonging to a chest key can be configured through the commands.
Tip: Before starting to mess around with a configuration file, please head over to here and familiarise yourself.
Configuration | Value | Description |
enabled-worlds | List<String> | A list of worlds this module should be enabled for. |
chests.<world>.<id> | N/A | This a configuration section for a chest key, where <id> is replaced with the id of a chest key. |
chests.<world>.<id>.cooldown-duration | Integer | Duration (in seconds) that a player should be on cooldown for after interacting with this chest key. |
chests.<world>.<id>.location | Location | The location of the chest block. |
chests.<world>.<id>.key | ItemStack | The exact ItemStack required to open this chest key. |
chests.<world>.<id>.cooldowns | Map<String, Long> | String is the player name. Long is the milliseconds that the player's cooldown will expire. |